Monday, February 16, 2009

FAT ... The world now

FAT is not a new term in this world now, every country or every place we always look people have a over weight body. Last time at chinses people mind fat is mean rich, mean have good luck, but now if you still have this kind of size is mean that you already very close to the unhealthy world. Is not special if one day doctor told you that you already have the moden diseases like high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes or etc.

People even know fat is not good for them but they still keep on doing the same thing, where they still don't want make the control either on their food or on their mind. I always heard people which i know told me that no need make so much control, life is use to enjoy, what you want to eat or want to do much do it, if control too much will make your life very unmeaningful. Sometime i feel this is only like the turtle where they don't want face to the real world.

How you feel? Do you also feel that life is use to enjoy so everything also no need to do the control, just make our body become worse and worst. Do you think that on that time you will feel regret or not? Or you want to make the change but you don't have any idea to do it? Pls leave your opinion or comment to me? for those want to have a change maybe we can have a good discussion.

"Your success depends more on the actions you undertake to fullfill your dreams, than the end results you gain tommorow."

Dream.... to achive in our life time

Dream can make us become more active, and have goal to achieve it. This will make thinking positive, become more energy for make our dream come true, either we make it become true or just thinking. This will become as part our memory when we become old.
To make the memory become as sweet memory, we need to work hard to make our dream come true. If we only think but never take action, when we become old we sure will regret on it.

Are you have any dream want to achieve, how you life currently? do you have any problem with you current life now?

How do you feel it? if you read this pls leave your comment to me.

Thanks you.

Friday, February 6, 2009


近来这些年, 人类开始关心自己的健康状况和周围的健康资讯, 但是往往的了解呢就是医生讲什么就相信什么, 而不是自己去寻求真正的原因. 自从开始接触细胞营养的讯息后, 刚开始也是抱着半信半疑的态度, 因为当时时常会听到一些话好像...."不要相信医生, 医生是不会什么是细胞营养, 医生本身是不会营养的. 医生读书是是不会修营养课的, 就算有读也只是大约上几堂课交差而已, 好能拿到毕业证书. 除非是营养师那就不同, 他们才会知道什么是均衡的营养和配搭的方法." 当时的我讲真的会觉得他们疯了, 医生不会营养, 那他谁会呢? 人常讲的, 一个人讲就很难相信, 但当多人讲时, 它的真实性就高了. 所以就开始问一些朋友以前读大学时, 他们的医学系的朋友是不是真的如此没真正修营养学? 得到的答案果真如此...."没有真正修营养学"
自从知道后, 就自己看多一些书关于营养和养生. 总觉得什么事自己了解和懂得自己照顾自己的饮食习惯是最好的, 不要把自己的健康交给别人, 尤其是医生, 医生如果什么病都能帮你医好, 那有些医生的家人患上癌症或慢性病根本会是零的机率. 但是现在医生的家人还不是一样患上这些病症. 现近有听到一句话, 就是...."现在不养生, 老来养医生". 从这句子来看, 如果养了医生能让人变健康那还好, 但往往不是如此, 人还不是要面对那些病痛带来的痛苦的煎熬.
凡事自己多了解, 自己多做一些生活习惯上的改变, 自己多照顾自己的饮食习惯, 自己的健康也会变好, 生活也会跟着变好.