Friday, October 9, 2009

Healthy Breakfast

What kind of the breakfast that you having every morning?

Every morning, what do you have for breakfast? Like most of the people, either have a simple and tradisional carbohydrate meal of toast or cereal or nasi lemak or noodle or porridge or just skip your breakfast due to want keep fit.

Both of these meal are only lead to rapid increase in blood sugar and insulin, carbohydrate craving and a drop in energy.

Why taking the right breakfast is important to us?

Carbohydrate based breakfast
In the morning, carbohydrates breakfast (toast, rice, porridge, noodle etc) we having everyday will cause an immediate sure in blood sugar, which results in a substantial release of insulin from our pancreas.

The insulin removes most of the sugar from our blood, turning any excess into fat. this decreased level of blood sugar results in further cravings for carbohydrates.

This vicious cycle constitutes one of the major reasons for diabetes, high blood pressure and extra weight.

Skipping Breakfast
When we skip breakfast, blood sugar drops below the normal level, leading to cravings and a drop in energy.

To deal with carvings, we usually revert to snacking on carbohydrates, causing a fast rise in blood sugar levels and a substantial insulin emission. the insulin removes most of the sugar from the blood and turns any excess into fat. Our body, now low in blood sugar, experiences further cravings and a drop in energy.

This vicious cycle constitutes one of the major reasons for diabetes, high blood pressure and extra weight.

Balanced healthy breakfast

A balanced breakfast supplies our body with vital nutrients and energy without increasing blood sugar and insulin levels, and helps to avoid dependence on carbs during the day. In this way, appetite stays under control, cravings for carbs diminish and our body uses its fat stores for energy.

Criteria of a good breakfast

A balanced healthy breakfast should do three things:

  • Rehydrate the body, to replace the fluids lost during sleep.
  • Provide the body with energy.
  • Provide the body with all vital nutrients while helping to maintain a normal blood sugar level.

How can I get this balanced breakfast?

We have a good healthy breakfast programme covers all three criteria of a good breakfast and is an indeal way to start the day.

You can either call me at : (60) 016-4044376 or email me: to get more information on it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

关于我.....(About Myself)

一个胖胖也不起眼的女人, 影像中从小到大应该没苗条过吧. 一个陌生的相遇和一个选择让我改变了,也让我从新有了梦想.

2006年8月1日,我做了一个选择, 选择自我挑战,开始我的减肥计划,刚开始我也没想过会得到这样好的效果,一来是对自己没信心,但第一星期过去了,去了教练家量体重看看一个星期的努力有成果吗,结果减了1KG, 哈哈哈, 心理还真的高兴. 既然努力就会有成绩, 会来后再用教练教的方法再拼搏. 很快的, 第一个月过去了,我真的办到了,我一个月减了4KG, 跟我当初听到教练给我的承诺一样,认真配合一个月可以减4KG. 既然承诺都成事实了,那接下来要达到我50KG,一定不会有问题了. 于是第二个月在我很坚持的情况下,我再减了4KG. 然后接下来我还是一样的坚持不懈, 终于半年的时间我把身体上的20KG肥油减掉了. 真的很高兴, 我终于办到了,我终于达到我的目标了.

其实刚开始我也只是想要改变自己身体的健康而已, 女人要来的东西不知为什么就开始来的不正常了,每个月不会准时报到,当时也担心如果太早就遇上了更年期,那我不是完了. 所以就开始找中医来医治,但吃药其间就会来,当要一但停止就会恢复不正常. 应该算幸运吧, 正当那时候给我遇到了我的养生教练.当时因为外表胖胖的, 教练也不知道我其实真正被她吸引要来吃这早餐是因为我本身有女生月经问题.所以在减重的其间这问题也不知不觉也帮我改善了, 现在不只拥有苗条的身躯也同时获得了健康.

哈哈哈, 当时的一个纯粹简单相信, 就让有了这个改变, 不只如此, 同时这也让我家人的健康也得到改变. 也因如此, 现在我也当了养身减重教练, 也帮了不少人减了一些体重和改善一些健康上的问题, 而且在这经济不好的时候, 也算是多赚一些外快.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009




首先,它要经受饥饿,再美味的食物既是在它的口边,它也必须压抑下心灵深处的那份强烈的欲望,把自己曾经臃肿的身材拼命地瘦下去,甚至瘦到皮包骨的地步,只有这样,它原来那副肥胖的蛹壳才能慢慢地和它身体逐渐分化和剥离.对此,昆虫学家曾做过一次十分有趣的实验,他们把蛹最喜欢吃的食物,分别放在十只正在梦想化蝶的蛹旁,一些蛹饿了几天后,实在禁不起那些美味食物的蛊惑,于是它们张开口,开始有滋味地品尝那些食物. 而另一些蛹卻丝毫不为所动,它们饥肠辘辘,既使饿得难受地一次次痛苦的蠕动,它们也坚持不吃一口那些就放在自己嘴边的食物,甚至,有的蛹已经饿得晕睡了过去,但为了自己的化蝶梦想,面对那些垂手可得的美味佳肴,丝毫也不会动摇.

几十天后,结果出现了,那些不能压抑自己欲望的蛹,因为贪嘴,它们的身体愈来愈肥胖,它们不过成了一只更臃肿的蛹. 而那些压抑贪欲,始终不为美味佳肴而心动的蛹,终于瘦了下来,它们的肉体与臃肿的蛹壳已成功分离,它们离自己化碟的美美丽梦想已跨进了大大的一步.

和蛹壳彻底分离后,它们只要鑚出自己脱化的蛹壳,就可以梦想成真,蜕化成一只斑斓而能够自由,轻盈飞翔的美丽蝴蝶了. 为了能早日鑚出坚硬的蛹客,所有的蛹都使出了自己浑身的解数,有的用并不锋利的唇齿拼命撕咬蛹客十分微小的缺口,有的探出头来用尽气力企图把蛹壳的缺口撑得更大些. 昆虫学家发现,在破壳而出的化蝶过程中,这些蛹的表现也是不同的,有的蛹企图投机取巧,它们不遗余力地吐出它们身上的全部湿液,期望能濡湿自己那坚硬的老壳,以利于撕开更大的缺口使自己能够不受阻挡地轻松脱壳而出.但另外一些蛹就不同,它们把缺口稍稍撕大一点点,就拼命地弓起身体从缺口处往外挤,直到挤压得自己宽厚的脊部伤痕累累鲜血直淌,但它们绝不会去投机著把缺口再撕大一点点.



抵制了欲望和投机,你就有了一双人生美丽的翅膀. 人生也不是如此吗?天底下没有不劳而获的是,要有多大的成就,就要下多大的努力.

Monday, February 16, 2009

FAT ... The world now

FAT is not a new term in this world now, every country or every place we always look people have a over weight body. Last time at chinses people mind fat is mean rich, mean have good luck, but now if you still have this kind of size is mean that you already very close to the unhealthy world. Is not special if one day doctor told you that you already have the moden diseases like high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes or etc.

People even know fat is not good for them but they still keep on doing the same thing, where they still don't want make the control either on their food or on their mind. I always heard people which i know told me that no need make so much control, life is use to enjoy, what you want to eat or want to do much do it, if control too much will make your life very unmeaningful. Sometime i feel this is only like the turtle where they don't want face to the real world.

How you feel? Do you also feel that life is use to enjoy so everything also no need to do the control, just make our body become worse and worst. Do you think that on that time you will feel regret or not? Or you want to make the change but you don't have any idea to do it? Pls leave your opinion or comment to me? for those want to have a change maybe we can have a good discussion.

"Your success depends more on the actions you undertake to fullfill your dreams, than the end results you gain tommorow."

Dream.... to achive in our life time

Dream can make us become more active, and have goal to achieve it. This will make thinking positive, become more energy for make our dream come true, either we make it become true or just thinking. This will become as part our memory when we become old.
To make the memory become as sweet memory, we need to work hard to make our dream come true. If we only think but never take action, when we become old we sure will regret on it.

Are you have any dream want to achieve, how you life currently? do you have any problem with you current life now?

How do you feel it? if you read this pls leave your comment to me.

Thanks you.

Friday, February 6, 2009


近来这些年, 人类开始关心自己的健康状况和周围的健康资讯, 但是往往的了解呢就是医生讲什么就相信什么, 而不是自己去寻求真正的原因. 自从开始接触细胞营养的讯息后, 刚开始也是抱着半信半疑的态度, 因为当时时常会听到一些话好像...."不要相信医生, 医生是不会什么是细胞营养, 医生本身是不会营养的. 医生读书是是不会修营养课的, 就算有读也只是大约上几堂课交差而已, 好能拿到毕业证书. 除非是营养师那就不同, 他们才会知道什么是均衡的营养和配搭的方法." 当时的我讲真的会觉得他们疯了, 医生不会营养, 那他谁会呢? 人常讲的, 一个人讲就很难相信, 但当多人讲时, 它的真实性就高了. 所以就开始问一些朋友以前读大学时, 他们的医学系的朋友是不是真的如此没真正修营养学? 得到的答案果真如此...."没有真正修营养学"
自从知道后, 就自己看多一些书关于营养和养生. 总觉得什么事自己了解和懂得自己照顾自己的饮食习惯是最好的, 不要把自己的健康交给别人, 尤其是医生, 医生如果什么病都能帮你医好, 那有些医生的家人患上癌症或慢性病根本会是零的机率. 但是现在医生的家人还不是一样患上这些病症. 现近有听到一句话, 就是...."现在不养生, 老来养医生". 从这句子来看, 如果养了医生能让人变健康那还好, 但往往不是如此, 人还不是要面对那些病痛带来的痛苦的煎熬.
凡事自己多了解, 自己多做一些生活习惯上的改变, 自己多照顾自己的饮食习惯, 自己的健康也会变好, 生活也会跟着变好.